Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fairplay Sunday Coupon Match-Up 1/15/2012

  • Butterball Turkey Bacon 6oz 2/$3.00
          $.55/1 SS 1/15/2012
  • Butterball Turkey Sausage 14 oz 2/$5.00
          $.55/1 SS 1/15/2012
  • Grande Tortilla Chips 10 oz 2/$3.00
          $1.00/1 SS 1/15/2012
          $.50 each
  • Cape Cod Potato Chips 7-8.5 oz $2.88 each
          $1.00/2 ss 1/15/2012


  1. So glad someone finally is doing food4less and fairplay..thanks so much.

  2. Hi found you through Rachel @ mashup mom, wondering which other stores you will be covering? I am southide midway area and looking forward to reading your blog. Suzanne :)

  3. Hello Suzanne,
    Thanks for stopping to check out my work in progress. I live in Bridgeport (neighborhood) so I will be covering Fairplay, Food4Less, Halsted Foods and Cermak Produce. I will limit my posts on Dominicks, Jewel, Target Walgreens and CVS only to items (deals) I find at those stores. There are enough bloggers covering those stores.

    I'me still working on the design of the site while trying to post content, but will have at least 2 posts per week on Fairplay. One for the Thursday sale ad and another on Sunday when the new Tribune coupons are available.


  4. OMG I am also here from Rachel at Mashupmom. I am sooo excited! Thanks and everyone always told me my name should have been Reina because I was born on Jan 6! I am in the Pilsen area so we are neighbors! Looking forward to your blog!
