Monday, February 6, 2012

Target Shopping February 5, 2012

Monday is generally my Target shopping day, because on the weekend, it is too crowded.  This is what I got at Target today.

1-6 pack 5.5oz low sodium V-8 $3.09 used $1.00/1 printable
2-Alexia frozen potatoes $3.09 Used $1.25 off printable and $1.00 off Target printable
2-Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice 64oz  $2.50  Used Buy one get one free printable no longer available
4-Market Pantry Macaroni and cheese $.79 each  Used $1.00/1 Target Coupon no longer available
1-250 ct Up and Up Ibuprofin  $5.19  Used $1.00 off any up and up over $3.00 no longer available
2-Vaseline Intensive Care Total Moisture 3oz $1.14  Used $1.00 off SS 1/29/2011
1-Ajax Dishwashing Liquid Price Cut $1.50   no coupon, but I needed it.

Before Coupons my total was $27.73. I paid with a $5.00 gift card for signing up for Where you Shop my out of pocket was $8.43

Fairplay Foods Sunday Coupon Match-Up 2/5/2012 Late

Not Advertised
  • Grande Tortilla Chips 2/$3.00   $1.00/1  SS 1/15/2012
  • Marcal Small Steps Toilet Paper 12 rolls $5.88    $1.00/1 SS 1/29/2012
  • Marcal Small Steps Paper Towels 8 rolls $5.88   $1.00/1  SS 1/29/2012 
Update on Marcal Small Steps Coupon........The single rolls are priced at $.99 Fairplay will not let you use this $1.00 off coupon on those single rolls, because the coupon is greater than the price of the item.  Let me know if you find single rolls for $1.00 and above.

New Facebook Coupons

There are new facebook coupons on the facebook tab.